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Imnoo - Release Notes



last updated 25.02.25


New API Endpoint for Time Estimates

A new API endpoint for time estimates allows you to fetch, create, and trigger time estimates for production plans. Machines can be selected optionally, with the AI automatically picking the appropriate machine.


Show Estimations and Training Warnings in the Article

In your articles, we now provide helpful information about the latest AI estimation, the initial estimate, as well as training statistics and warnings – enabling you to work with even more precision.


Quote adjustments and a 100-position increase

You now have the option of adding up to 100 positions in a quote. This allows you to create even larger and more complex quotes. In addition, we now also display other useful item-related information, such as the drawing number, in the quote.


Filter for Machines in the Article Section

You can now easily search for articles that utilize specific machines. This feature helps you optimize your processes and quickly find the most relevant articles.


In-App Notifications about New Releases

You will now see a banner within the app that keeps you informed about the latest features and updates – so you’re always up-to-date and never miss out on new functionalities.



Excel import/export for custom materials and buyers

You can now easily import and export buyer and material data using an Excel file. This feature simplifies the management and updating of your data significantly.



Supporting similar machines and multiple hourly rates

It's now possible to add the same machine to the system multiple times—with different hourly rates. This allows for more flexible and precise pricing.


Improved calculation of material usage for custom materials

We've optimized the material usage calculation to provide even more accurate results. Additionally, the dimensions field is now optional, giving you greater flexibility in material management.


Enhanced Copy Functions in Similarity Search

The new "Copy" function in the similarity search allows you to duplicate entire sections of search results—perfect for further analysis or adjustments.


Display of additional geometry information for finished parts

You now receive detailed information about the weight and removed material mass of finished parts. These new details help you optimize production and logistics processes further.


Discounts, early payment discounts, and option to exclude material costs from quotes

More flexibility in creating quotes:

  • Material costs can now be optionally excluded from quotes.
  • Add discounts and early payment discounts to create attractive pricing options.






last updated 09.12.24


New features in our webshop: Enhanced automation for faster orders

We’re excited to introduce two major updates to our webshop:

Drawing Analysis:
Our new Drawing Analysis feature reduces the input required from buyers, making the purchasing process faster and more efficient.


AI-Powered Machine Recommendations: Our AI, Marvin, can now automatically suggest the most suitable machine for your project, enabling seamless and automatic quote generation directly from the webshop.
Experience the future of streamlined purchasing and quoting with these powerful tools. Try it out today!


Introducing automatic raw material calculation for multiple lotsizes per material cut

We are excited to announce our new feature: Raw material calculation for multiple lotsizes per raw material cut! This enhancement allows you to easily determine the required number of bars, remaining material, and cutoff allowances, streamlining your production process and improving efficiency.
Start optimizing your workflow today with this powerful addition!



New filter for time estimations: Find unused data instantly

We’ve added a new filter to help you manage your time estimations more effectively. This feature allows you to quickly identify which time estimations have not yet been used elsewhere, giving you better control and streamlining your workflow.

Save time and focus on what matters most with this new enhancement. Try it today!




Tiered price tables for manufacturing steps and delivery settings

Define and manage tiered prices for some manufacturing steps and delivery options effortlessly using our new rate tables. Customize settings to meet your unique requirements.



Autofill for company and contact details in the quote section

Save time with the new autofill functionality! Company and contact details are now pre-filled in the quote section, reducing manual entry and improving accuracy.


Dropdown for "General Surface Roughness" field

We've added a convenient dropdown to the "Gen. surface roughness" field, making it quicker and easier to select the appropriate value.


Manufacturing run migration to articles

All manufacturing run data has been successfully migrated to articles. This shift simplifies the model and offers greater flexibility in organizing and managing your data. Articles provide a more streamlined and adaptable framework to meet diverse manufacturing needs.


Adding and editing manufacturing runs can now be done directly within an article.


Webshop with automatic price calculation

The time has finally come – the first version of your own webshop with automatic price calculation is live, and here’s how it works:

Activate your webshop in account by providing your preferred URL (can only be done once).

Webshop aktivieren en

Activate the "Autoquote" function in the settings: Autoquote aktivieren en

You can open automatic pricing to the whole world or require email verification if you want more control over your buyer base:

Käufer management en-1

That's it! You can now automatically generate prices for your customers via the webshop link – powered by your trained AI in the background.

Create and save offer as PDF

The time has come – from now on, you can save and send your quotes as a PDF!

All you need to do is enter the company and contact details of the customer or at least fill in the required field "E-mail." After that, additional fields will be unlocked, and you can generate a PDF from the quote using the arrow.

pdf-download en

E-Mail Import function

From now on, you can forward email inquiries directly to your Imnoo.

With this feature, all 2D and 3D files from the email are automatically assigned and recorded as quote items in Imnoo – saving you even more time! To do this, create a unique email import address in the "Quotes" tab. Please note that you can only set this up once!

E-Mail import en


Scaled Pricing - Multiple Lot Sizes per Position

With this new feature, you have the ability to calculate multiple different batch sizes in a quote with just one click.

This innovative feature is another step in our mission to automate the quoting process and make it as user-friendly and efficient as possible. Try it out now and experience the benefits of this new flexibility.


Support for complex procurement, production scenarios, and custom manufacturing plans.

Multiple Positions per Quote

Users can now define multiple positions within a single quote. Instead of creating separate quotes for each item or service, all desired positions can now be consolidated into a single document.

File Upload for Multi-Positions

Support for uploading files for multi-positions is also included.

Scaled Pricing Webshop Integration

We now support multiple batch sizes (scaled pricing) for the webshop, making it even easier for your customers.


Sectional view in the 3D-Viewer

With this new feature, you can examine the component more closely within the 3D viewer using the sectional view and better visualize its internal conditions!

The field with the three dots right next to the 3D viewer takes you to the "Sectional view." From the moment you select this function, a second window opens in which you can slice the respective X, Y, and Z axes using the sectional view.

sectional view

New calculation formulas for surface treatments

Now it's finally here! Surface treatments can also be calculated based on surface area, volume, or weight! In the settings under "Internal production" or "External production," you can select work steps for surface treatments. Now, under the "Calculation" field, you can choose the new relevant formulas!

calculation formula for surface treatment

Maximum workpiece weight per machine

In the settings, you can now also enter the maximum workpiece weight per machine in the "Machines" under "Technical specifications"! This field will influence the feasibility of components using your machinery in the future! 

workpiece weight  


Time estimation is now available in Calc-Beta!

With this new feature, you can easily and quickly generate time estimates for CNC components, just like in the old Imnoo Calc application, which is entirely driven by AI!

EN Zeitschätzungen

Under "Time estimates," add your 3D file and technical drawing as usual, enter the material and material allowance, select the batch size, select the work step, and select the machine, and you will receive the estimated times.

The similarity search function is also included to find similar components within seconds.

Material database is now available

There are now "Custom materials" available in the settings! Here, you can enter your material cuts per piece or kilo price.

This makes generating the exact prices for the material in an offer position even quicker.

EN Benutzerdefiniertes Material
Now, once you are in a quote position, you can choose in the material supplier field "Custom," and the material you have stored in the settings will be displayed for selection in the "Search material" field:
EN Material suchen

Delivery costs and conditions 

Also, in the settings, you can quickly enter your offers' delivery costs and conditions.

The delivery terms include:

  • Delivery time (in days)
  • Conditions (free text field)

For the delivery costs you can choose between costs per:

  • Piece
  • Offer
  • Kg
EN Lieferung
The delivery times and conditions defined in the settings are now displayed on the "Offer level":
EN Lieferbedingungen

Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA)

Better safe than sorry! The MFA is available in your Imnoo account in the "Security" section, and you just need to enable it! 



Machine specifications are now available

With this new feature you can now store your machine with your specifications! Go to the new Imnoo Calc-Beta version and in the Settings / Machines it is now possible to specify your machine technically!

Technische Spezifikationen - Maschinen EN-1

Important note on the machine specifications: 

With the new update it is possible to specify your machine and fill in the fields within the yellow frame above. In the future the AI model will be trained on this. It is therefore important that you fill in the corresponding fields according to the actual conditions of your machine!

Check out the "Tags" field. You can now use this field to assign a "tag" to machines that have a special task or configuration. For example, machines where apprentice team members work on, machines with pallet automation, machines with workpiece handling or generally special configurations are often marked.



Connectivity notification

A banner in orange color is now displayed on top of the application, which indicates that the Internet connection is interrupted!

Internetverbindungs-hinweis en


The new 3D viewer is live!

You've probably already noticed that there has been a new release two weeks ago, since our latest 3D viewer is now live and equipped with the latest technology!


We don't want to get too technical here, so here are the most important details:

The new 3D viewer now also displays the raw material dimensions, which can be entered using the following fields:


It is also possible to use the "Symmetrical measurement" check box to divide the total symmetrically to the left and right! 

In addition, if the raw material is misaligned, you can use the three dots next to the 3D viewer to realign the axes and place the component correctly in the material!

As I said, many new updates will be to the 3D viewer and the Calc-Beta version in the coming weeks and months! 

Would you like to have your feature implemented?

As already mentioned, there will be many new updates and now you have the chance to help us with your feedback! 

To help us prioritize even more closely and better, we have created a short survey for you. We would like you to give us more direct feedback on our development and decide what should come next! 

Submit your feature request