Imnoo Case Studies - Imnoo AG

When artificial intelligence works: Erb Mechanik

Written by Imnoo | 4.04.2024

Successful entrepreneurs can only be convinced by real added value. We know that new technologies are always accompanied by skepticism. This is also the case with Erb Mechanik, the family business from the Bernese Mittelland that stands for precision mechanics. In the past, Patrik Erb might have said that he was very interested in artificial intelligence but that he didn't believe it would work.





Facts prove the success of artificial intelligence

As the following figures impressively demonstrate, patience is now paying off: Marvin - Imnoo's built-in artificial intelligence - has steadily improved. After approx. With 150-250 training data, Marvin estimates the CNC components for Erb Mechanics to be up to +/- 5% accurately. This was precisely what the initial skeptic was waiting for. "Marvin already estimates 70% of my CNC components more reliably and faster than I do. With Imnoo, I now save up to 300 working hours yearly," says Patrik Erb. Real support to be able to estimate and offer requested CNC turned and milled parts in no time.


Increased competitiveness in precision mechanics

This is all the more pleasing as Patrik Erb is convinced that Swiss companies in precision mechanics can only keep up with foreign competitors and supply CNC products of first-class quality thanks to such efficiency improvements.


For more information on Erb Mechanik, visit the website: |