Imnoo Case Studies - Imnoo AG

Investment amortized after 6 months - Success story of Werner Danz Metallverarbeitung

Written by Imnoo | 4.04.2024

Digitizing the quotation process, centralizing empirical values and thus optimizing risk management: How Werner Danz Metallverarbeitung GmbH & Co. KG was able to achieve a smooth quotation process thanks to automated CNC component costing.

Before the introduction of Imnoo's software solution, the managing director had to ask colleagues in case of doubts or complex components. Often the component was even programmed on the CAM, which meant that it took up to two hours to calculate a component. With a wide range of turned and milled parts in various materials such as aluminum, stainless steel and plastic and the increasing complexity of the parts to be manufactured, the workload became ever greater and concentrated on individual people in the company.

Reducing risks through digitalization and pooling expertise within the company

After analyzing the competition, it quickly became clear that the intuitive software from Imnoo, which is based on machine learning, was the right software solution for Werner Dank Metallverarbeitung GmbH & Co KG. Thanks to the artificial intelligence "Marvin", the smooth running of day-to-day business can be guaranteed.

Where previously the manager or the person who calculated components was absent, resulting in delays in the quotation process, employees from administration or production can now carry out the calculations in the same way. In addition to the intuitive and simple operation, this was also due to the fact that the cost of implementation was manageable. Within six months, 200 components were uploaded to the company's own data archive. It took around 3 minutes per component and upload, which corresponds to a total investment of 10 working hours.

The result: The effort required to calculate a CNC component has been reduced by 50%, components can now be calculated up to 70% faster and the annual subscription was earned within six months.

These impressive figures can be attributed to "Marvin". The artificial intelligence determines cost drivers based on 3D drawings and previously calculated components and compares new components with existing data, all in seconds. Thanks to these automated CNC component calculations, good reference values are obtained that can be quickly and efficiently incorporated into quotations.

In addition to digitization and a central location for all data, colleagues no longer have to be disturbed and torn away from their core activities. Werner Dank Metallverarbeitung GmbH & Co. KG has thus managed to make the company's internal know-how independent of employees. Imnoo can be accessed and used by all employees, meaning that new employees can be involved in the quotation process quickly and easily. For Managing Director Michael Danz, one thing is clear: "I've always been looking for something like this. A simple and reliable CNC calculation program! The inventor is a genius."

For more information about the company Werner Danz Metallverarbeitung GmbH & Co. KG please visit the website:

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